Week Hiatus – I AM MOVING!!

I am moving across the country this week, and will be on hiatus from today until next Tuesday. I will probably backblog* those dates in on Tuesday, because god knows on a roadtrip across the country/ an epic unpacking, I will be listening to music THE ENTIRE TIME, and will certainly have a explosion of music to talk about. Maybe some lists, maybe even a Top 10 or 20….ooh aah. Not that anyone reads this blog except for Russian spammers.

*Backblog, verb. (1) A thing I do all the time that I pass off as legitimate blogging, even though I know I’m kidding myself; (2) an action where I assign a song to a particular past date that I didn’t have time to blog about in said past; (3) a useful way for me to have a record of one song per day without requiring myself to actually be disciplined enough to blog every day; (4) the reason why I’ve never missed a day since October 2009, even holidays; (5) the reason why you’ve probably given up on me if you ever tried to RSS feed me; (6) my numero uno blogging regret at current; (7) the justification that is currently dwelling heavily in my mind as to justifications why I’d need a smart phone.

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