Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men

SONG OF THE DAY “Little Talks” by Of Monsters and Men ([single], self-released, 2010). RECOMMENDED BY One of my oldest music friends, Greg, recommended this song to me on facebook today, and I am so grateful. It is AMAZING, and everything I love in a song: catchy chorus, horns, great lead vocals. LOVE LOVE LOVE. …

Ode To Billie Joe by Bobbie Gentry

SONG OF THE DAY “Ode To Billie Joe” by Bobbie Gentry (Ode To Billie Joe, Capitol Records, 1967). Written by Bobbie Gentry. WHERE I HEARD IT During the new indie film The Guard, there is a critical and hilarious scene where the characters discuss what was being thrown off the Tallahatchie Bridge in this song. …

Shaky by The Duke & The King

SONG OF THE DAY “Shaky” by The Duke & The King (Nothing Gold Can Stay, Ramseur Records, 2009). WHERE I HEARD IT I was messin’ around on Grooveshark and was recommended this song and this band. Good call. VIDEO OF THE DAY

Sunny Afternoon by The Kinks

SONG OF THE DAY “Sunny Afternoon” by The Kinks (Face to Face, Pye-UK/ Reprise Records-US, 1966). Written by Ray Davies. WHERE I HEARD IT This song played during the film Pirate Radio, which is an incredible film for classic rock/ 1960’s music lovers or really for any music lovers! WARNING: CRY FEST AT THE END! …