I thought it would be interesting to make a playlist so that I can listen to one of my favorite artists chronologically through the four decades he had as a recording artist. I learned so much from listening to John Denver in order for the first time ever: he stayed so true to his voice …
SONG OF THE DAY “Dinah Flo” by Boz Scaggs (My Time, Columbia Records, 1972). Written by Boz Scaggs. VIDEO OF THE DAY
SONG OF THE DAY “Father & Son” by Cat Stevens (Tea for the Tillerman, Island/ A&M Records – USA, 1970). Written by Cat Stevens. VIDEO OF THE DAY
SONG OF THE DAY “(Where Do I Begin?) Love Story” by Shirley Bassey (Something Else, United Artists, 1971). Music by Francis Lai and lyrics by Carl Sigman. VIDEO OF THE DAY
SONG OF THE DAY “Watching The Detectives” by Elvis Costello & The Attractions (My Aim is True, Columbia Records, 1977). Written by Elvis Costello, produced by Nick Lowe. VIDEO OF THE DAY
SONG OF THE DAY “Can You Get To That” by Funkadelic (Maggot Brain, Westbound Records, 1971). Written by George Clinton and Ernie Harris. VIDEO OF THE DAY
SONG OF THE DAY “Nature’s Way” by Spirit (Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus, Epic Records, 1970). Written by Randy California. VIDEO OF THE DAY
SONG OF THE DAY “Misty Blue” by Dorothy Moore ([single], Malaco Records, 1976). Written by Bob Montgomery. WHERE I HEARD IT Fox’s So You Think You Can Dance Season 8 (Summer 2011). VIDEO OF THE DAY
SONG OF THE DAY “You’re The One That I Want” by Angus & Julia Stone (Big Jet Plane EP, 2010). Written by John Farrar. VIDEO OF THE DAY Angus & Julia Stone – You're The One That I Want… by goldrausch
SONG OF THE DAY “Indiana Wants Me” by R. Dean Taylor (I Think, Therefore I Am, Rare Earth, 1970). Written by R. Dean Taylor and Joe Simon. WHERE I HEARD IT Dad just laid this recommendation on me, and I am totally digging it! And it’s a new artist to me! Yee haw!! VIDEO OF …