And here we are, at the final post about wedding music. 10 of 10. This is the end of the line, though I will definitely be posting individual Song of the Day blog entries about many of the songs featured in these playlists in the near future. This is part 2 of the Rock Music mix I gave all of our male guests at the wedding, and is the mix that combines love lyrics by some of the greatest poets of rock with slamming melodies and instrumentalization. Yes I made that word up. This playlist deserves a new word because it really rocks hard!
1. “Fools in Love†by Joe Jackson (4:23) – A very early hit (1979) from this heralded and still active British new wave and pop star. You may think this song doesn’t belong on a love mix, but wait until the last line of lyrics.
2. “Let My Love Open The Door†by Pete Townsend (2:47) – A 1980 Top 10 hit on the Billboard Chart, and a track we frequently turn to (in 2005 we find it during the Kairos we attend together, and in 2008 it becomes an anthem during our California roadtrip).
3. “Jungle Drum†by Emiliana Torrini (2:14) – One of our new favorites, and a roadtrip essential during our 2010 wedding shower season.
4. “My Doorbell†by The White Stripes (3:58) – One of Todd’s favorite bands is incidentally a band from Detroit! And we almost saw them live at Austin City Limits, but that was the year Meg White suddenly refused to travel and consequently broke our hearts.
5. “Magic Man†by Heart (5:28) – Favorite song’ of ours since our early years (2004). The song has lasting power, and still frequently recieves airtime on the Stoltman-Swatling roadtrips.
6. “Radar Love†by Golden Earring (6:30) – How could you be on the road and thinking about love (as this mix assumes you are doing right now) and not have this 1973 classic rock masterwork?! Its a love anthem!
7. “Glycerine†by Bush (4:27) – A favorite track from the first mix CD Todd ever gave Joan (circa summer 2004).
8. “I Think I See The Light†by Cat Stevens (3:56) – This song plays soundtrack to one of the funniest moments (in our opinion!) during the cult classic (and one of our favorite films) Harold and Maude.
9. “Turn To Stone†by E.L.O. (Electric Light Orchestra) (3:50) – One of Joan’s favorite bands, she began singing this song to Todd during their first summer apart, summer 2004. “When you are gone, I turn to stone.
10. “Lions†by The Features (3:37) – This band should be more famous than they are. This was originally a self-released song from an entirely unpublicized, self-released album, though since opening for the U.S. Kings of Leon tour, they did finally get a label. Joan discovered it watching NBC’s Mercy.
11. “You’re My Best Friend†by Queen (2:52) – Off the band’s 1976 Album A Night At The Opera (home to Bohemian Rhapsody), this is one of our favorite Queen songs. And that’s saying something because we may just be our generation’s biggest Queen fans to date. We’ own their music video DVDs, we’ve seen them live in concert with Paul Rodgers, and we dare anyone our age to know the lyrics to as many Queen songs as we do. We are mega-fans.
12. “Modern Love†by David Bowie (3:59) – Another one of our favorite artists, though Joan is enamored with Bowie more thoroughly than Todd.
13. “Follow You Down†by The Gin Blossoms (4:30) – We lived through the 1990s during a critical part of our development : middle school.
14. “Feel Like Making Love†by Bad Company (5:13) – Bad Company is definitely one of our top 10 bands, and this 1975 song is a gem.
15. “Long Train Running†by Doobie Brothers (3:39) – Without love, where would you be right now?
16. “My Girl†by Weezer (3:05) – Todd’s favorite band! When Joan met Todd, he wore weezer tee-shirts and a blue weezer hat daily. Though he now dresses like a grown-up in polos and khakis, Weezer still holds a place in his heart.
17. “Can’t Get Enough by Bad Company (4:17) – It’ is hard to imagine a  debut album containing a track with such total rock force and staying power, but their debut album was also the 46th bestselling album of the entire 1970s! Kind of amazing…
18. “Only The Beginning†by Chicago (7:56) – Joan was raised on Chicago, and this song’s lyrics are practically written for nuptial celebration!
19. “Squeeze Box†by The Who (2:46) – We like the playfulness of The Who (A Quick One, While He’s Away) and this track about an accordian is one of their most fun. If I had one, I would play it all night too!