“The Great Defector” by Bell X1 (Blue Lights On The Runway, BellyUp Records, 2009).
INTERESTING DETAILS (from wikipedia)
– “The Great Defector” is the lead single by Bell X1, taken from their 4th studio album Blue Lights on the Runway.
– The single was released in Ireland on 30 January 2009 and internationally on 3 February 2009. Upon its release it reached #3 in the Irish Singles Chart. It reached #1 in the airplay charts and the band went on to feature on the cover of Hot Press the following month.
– Vocalist Paul Noonan has compared the song’s style to that of Talking Heads.
– The song was recorded in November 2008 in Ballycumber House, “a big, draughty, stately home… …under the beady gaze of musty portraits of the Lords and Ladies of the estate from the 15th century”.
– Jim Farber of the New York Daily News has praised Noonan’s “flair for dialogue and his keen way with a metaphor”, claiming “his cruel writing will make you swoon”.