Me Voy a Morir de Amor – Alberto Iglesias

Alberto-IglesiasSONG OF THE DAY

“Me Voy a Morir de Amor” composed by Alberto Iglesias for the soundtrack to Sex and Lucia (Lucía y el sexo) (2001, Palm Pictures)

INTERESTING FACTS (from wikipedia)

– Iglesias has composed the scores for many films, including Che (2008), The Kite Runner (2007, upon which he received his first Golden Globe nomination and second Oscar Nomination for score composition), Volver (2006), and The Constant Gardener (2005, upon which he received his first Oscar Nomination for score composition).

– He is primarily a Spanish composer, and has written the scores for most of Pedro Almodóvar’s films.


This song was used as the score for a dream sequence in a recent episode of Mad Men, and I was totally enchanted. It took me awhile to find it (the message boards on AMC’s Mad Men website ended up being the key to finding this contemporary orchestral number). Isn’t it fantastic? I’m now avidly on the hunt in all the local library catalogs for any and all scores Iglesias has imprinted his genius into; I can’t wait to listen to more of his work. I love contemporary classical music, from Satie to modern composers, and scores are often the key for me to find incredible composers…that’s how I found Philip Glass, Mark Mothersbaugh, Jan A. P. Kaczmarek, and James Newton Howard.


AMAZON – CD (which I will be buying soon!)


Here’s the video playlist for the month of September 2009. This track is #7.

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